Bicicleta Sem Freio, a name that can be translated as “Bicycle Without Brakes,” is a collective organized by Douglas de Castro and Renato Reno, two great Brazilian illustrators and muralists. Their artwork tends to be colorful, illustrative, polemic, and very stylish.

Founded in 2003 and primarily inspired by rock and roll, fashion, graphic design, and beautiful women. They became internationally famous for their hand-drawn illustrations and large-scale murals in cities around the world. Apart from in Brazil and a few large metropolitan areas in South America, their pieces can be found in London, Berlin, Hong Kong, Miami, Las Vegas, Montreal, and Los Angeles.

By comparison their style seems somewhat sophisticated, layering in many different elements and ideas, often with ironic references to comics, cartoons, and global pop culture. The resulting chaos and harmony blend to create eye-catching and captivating compositions.

In addition to their street art illustrations and provocative murals, they also do collaborations with a number of brands including Nike, NBA, UFC, Converse, and Vans; and have also produced concert posters for bands including: Beck, Kings of Leon, and Vampire Weekend.

You can see more of their works on their Instagram page and on their official website