Diana Ordóñez, better known as Ledania, is a Colombian artist from the city of Bogotá who offers a fresh and different perspective on art. Apart from creating street art she also works with plastic sculpture and does quite a lot of photography and graphic design. Her best-known creations are found on different walls of the Colombian capitol, in the form of street art and large murals, although she has broadened her approaches through the years and now creates decorative objects and a line of clothing.
Ledania’s style is vibrant and ornate, exploring the genre of expressionism, cubism, and surrealism to capture her artistic vision. Her drawings and graffiti mix elements of these three movements to create something new and fresh. Through the process of relating her own methods to those of artists from different movements, she is able to create pieces containing unique and novel figurative personalities; some closer to realism and others more related to expressionism with exaggeration and distortion of some characteristic features.
She uses geometric shapes for the composition of her subjects and sometimes creates collages of different images to achieve a new and different effect, adding depth to these characters using symbolism and transposing elements to represent what they are meant to feel and convey.
With her large palette of colors and geometric figures, she continuously keeps us looking forward to her newest creations that can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/ledania/