First Edition of “Arte Urbano Lincoln” Set to Take Place in Mendoza, Argentina
From January 31st to February 2nd, the first edition of Arte Urbano Lincoln 2020 is scheduled to take place. This first meeting, "proposes artistic interventions and various installations for the General San Martín Municipal Park in the municipality of Lincoln of Mendoza, Argentina." Over the course of the event, 14 visual artists will transform various spaces of the Municipal Park under the theme "Carnival," and, each day is expected to becomes more festive as the date for carnival in Argentina and Latin America draws near.
The organizers explained that, in most cases, the techniques to be used are mural painting and relief casting, but that each artist is free to give rise to their creations in whatever way they see most fitting. The visual artists set to participate are: Luciana Maccaroni; Julieta Roselló; Zaida Rafful; Mauricio PowBoy; Santiago Murialdo; Matías Coperchio; Felipes Reyes; Agustina Gesteira; Jesús Gorrini; Carola Cenicero; Marisol Giangrandi; and Pablo Zubillaga.
It is worth mentioning that one of the goals of the Arte Urbano Lincoln project is to find ways to use different types of supports as urban furniture. Although this first edition is centered around San Martín Park, it plans to expand in future editions to cover other spaces of the district, as well as to encouraging more community participation in the planning and carrying out of the event.
Ipiranga Museum celebrates São Paulo's Anniversary with Street Art Exhibition
Great news for the art scene of São Paulo as, on January 25th (the date on which São Paulo’s anniversary is celebrated), the Ipiranga Museum which is currently under renovation will host the Tapume! Graffiti Festival, from 10 am to 7 pm.
Due to the renovations that have been ongoing since 2013, the museum is surrounded by paneling. As part of the festival, a 220 meter stretch of this paneling will become the canvas for 35 urban artists who were selected by curator Gustavo Cortelazzi. Among the invited graffiti artists are prominent names in urban art such as Binho, Chivitz, Minhau, Vermelho, Salmos, Kueia, Pas, Ronah, Pardal, and Tikka. The participating artists will create artworks under the theme “The visible and the Invisible in History,” and one of the purposes of the event is to help decide what type of artworks the museum should focus on after reopening.
There are a number of other activities planned for the festival, such as a lecture titled “Arte Urbana no Século 21,” given by the owner of Choque Cultural Gallery, Baixo Ribeiro. In addition, two graffiti workshops will take place, one for teenagers and adults and one for children. With free entry, the courses are now open for registration.
Food trucks and live music will accompany the entire event, helping to make sure attendants enjoy the occasion. After completion, the large panels will remain along Nazaré Avenue for all to enjoy.
33 Grados Urban Art Festival Set to Take Place in Uruguay
The sociocultural project 33 Grados International Festival of Urban Art, is an initiative of the 33 Grados Production Company directed by the Uruguayan Jesús Catsouris and the Italian Desiree Ruggiero who address problems in various neighborhoods by seeking integration, participation, and commitment.
The second edition of the festival will take place from January 18 to 26, in the city of Mercedes, from the Soriano department of Uruguay. Around 30 artists from different countries will be painting walls and facades of buildings in different parts of the city. One of the objectives of the festival is to position Mercedes as the largest open-air art gallery in the country and seeking to restore and revalue public spaces through mural painting, workshops, and other activities. It is hoped this will add value and a sense of belonging through the active participation of the neighboring communities.
This second edition will once again have the participation of urban artists, and this time, sculptors, as well as musicians, designers, dancers, body paint professionals, and performance artists. Repeating last year’s success, the event planned five new murals open to popular participation, conferences, workshops, public demonstrations, and a fair.
The diversity of techniques and styles is what makes this event practically unique in the country for its complete dynamics and its interaction with the public.