Initially composed of Aner Urra (ANER), Claudio Cabrera (KAIO), Claudio Maher (MAHER), and Gabriel Veloso (GVZ), Alapinta is a collective of Chilean artists who have been painting since 2004. Inspired by public art, graffiti, and murals, they have adapted their style to fit many different public and private spaces, painting murals to promote health, education, culture, heritage, and the environment, among others.

The original members met while studying graphic design and soon started going out together to paint after classes. Currently, the group is composed only of MAHER and GVZ who organize many collaborative community murals where people can join in.

Their commitment has been to transform various public and private spaces through the addition of high-quality art; leaving their unique signature and various messages that highlight identity, culture, and nature.

Alapinta has painted and organized murals in different parts of the world, each of which having a unique flavor and identity based on the space in which it is created. They are on record stating that people’s perception has a lot to do with identifying the themes they choose to work with. Therefore, they tend to do a lot of research regarding the place, its history, and how people living there interact with their surroundings. The joy for them is that they get to deliver a statement of hope, which is one of the engines that move them.

In the course of their 15 years of trajectory, Alapinta has continued to hone their talent through countless productions. Have a look at their Instagram account here to get a sense of the scope of their work: